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As usual, randomly, we do like to share what's going on within the realms of the ~AGORA territory. Now, let's kick off with...

ɅG○ᏒɅ Branding
Well, we thought why not! The ɅG○ᏒɅ Territory deserve an identity, strong, durable... and enlightening ⚡️
LOGO extendedAvatar
Look's like is a good practice to validate an idea and ideally leave our most loved stackers with some items they will be proud of when the ~Agora will be the territory to post your ads! Some of you ask for it... here we go! Shilling t-shirts and hats for stackers and cowboys. All of those available for stas only from https://agora.ftp.sh

The AD post type
Yes, you read it right. We will have a new ad post type specific for advertising items! Will be the gas Agora needed or the soil that will cover this territory to sleep. Who will stay, will see!

The [TAG]ging Dilemma:
now there's always and always will be different ways to say that same thing. We tried to identify the best way for the AGORA tags to be identifiable and recognizable on a global scale. However, who are we to decide? It should come from the community itself, and that's why there's still the option for you to be creative and express your opinion and contribute crafting SN as you wish.
But, why using tags? Because standardizing and categorizing data has been a long-time long job for humanity, finding the way to communicate clearly, exchange valuable knowledge and close effective trades with each others.
[TAG]s currently in use [BUY] - [SELL] - [HIRE] - [OFFER] - [AUCTION] - [SWAP] - [FREE] - [REVIEW]
These [TAGS] are just suggestions and it is our duty to make sure are accepted in some sort of common agreement to communicate and share products and services in this territory. That's why we also started a set of polls that helpfully will help us better understand which [TAG]s we'll all use in the future AGORA territory.
Click on the titles below to directly access each poll, they are probably close already, and you'll still ca write a comment:

Latest recommendations for Ad-posters
  • Please price it all in stas! Much better!
  • Please do it in your local language! Don't worry about the perfect English, Spanglish or Hinglish... everyone speaks WildWestLingo here and professional online translators can always help the one in need. Just trigger a DeepL request. Thoughts on this? Comment on this thread
  • Stick with the right title tag for your item or service, so you add can easily appear on search results and be indexed accordingly within the SN land of opportunities.
  • Please do add some #hashtags in here and there too! it will also improve your post discoverability, not only on SN but also on the parallel universe of nostr, as some of us are into crossposting and often reposting the best and most interesting ads on the protocol.
  • Remember to tag your item with a final [SOLD] tag on a comment when the trade is completed. Also ask your buyer to leave a review of the item/experience in the same thread and ideally also a review in your @bio to help you build a reputation across the vastness of SN territories.
  • Sometime we do share services we find interesting for the community and repost existing items we find online across other traditional fiat platforms. If you get in touch with those fellow stackers selling things for sats, mention to them that there's now a safer and anonymous place to do it, the ~AGORA!
  • Always remember to DON'T TRUST, but VERIFY.

Feature request
These below are mostly for @SN team, and will also be posted on ~meta, just follow the comment link to share your thoughts for each one individually:
  • Let's add a featured image on each post containing an image: it could be on the left (or right for RTF {right-to-left} languages)
  • ah yep, when multilanguage support will arrive?) - Ideally, we want stackers to post in their native languages! If you want SN to scale, it's damn important... also @dergigi is heavy on this! Don't be scary about the language minestrone. Nowadays, we do have the tech to serve in-real-time translations, just do it. Please!
  • Image gallery! so when I upload more-then-one images or add links to external ones, we'd love to see them compacted in a nice mosaic gallery, and yes if I click in one of the images, I'd also like to use my keyboard arrows to navigate the gallery < > + have the usual left and right arrow + x icons on screen in case the users prefer to give it a mouse click instead.
  • Territory description isn't visible, and it will be nice if we can have the dropdown open for the first-time visitors across the various tabs like on top and recent, not just on hot

The Magnificent Seven
Another recurring post you'll see around will be The Magnificent Seven: Top-Performing, Hilarious and Original Ads in the ~Agora Territory. Release #02 just came out, and you can also dig into its compilation in case you'll miss some. Stay tuned!

WWSS Archive
We also reserved a space for the ɅG○ᏒɅ WWSS Archive within a private territory that we can update anytime. Because later on, _ might the past hold regrets, but it also holds lessons. It shows us where we've been and will guide us to where we want to go. The past does us define me, it is our actions in the present that shape our future._

Special THANKS to @Thawne for reviewing, supporting and inspiring us all. And @k00b & @Car to make this possible within @SN space boundaries
That's All Stackers!


this territory is moderated
I love how the swags look, good work
Thanks! well... its part of SN isn't it
Great work you've done. Congratulations!
Idea for a tag [LOAN]
edit: AGORA in Portuguese means "NOW" :)

Idea for a tag [LOAN]
for the suggestion, never thought about providing/signig loans on SN. I'll definitely explore more in details the possibilities. Giving is never an issue but thinking about how the repayments will be scheduled and how they ensure they will be made in time til the end by the borrower.

AGORA in Portuguese means "NOW" :)
That's a great additional value to the original AGORA meaning we initially discussed
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