Let's hear all your best fun facts, any topic counts!
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If you missed our last edition, here are lots of fun facts stackers shared.
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Remember the episode of The Simpsons where Homer eats the Guatemalan insanity pepper, then has a psychedelic journey?
His spirit guide in that episode, the "Space Coyote," was voiced by country music legend Johnny Cash.
The largest country bordering France is Brazil.

Fully integrated in the French Republic since 1946, French Guiana is a part of the European Union, and its official currency is the euro.
Read more about French Guiana on wikipedia
In similar spirit of geographical facts about France, France borders The Netherlands however actually not in Europe (there is Belgium in between) but on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin.
I was once on a Caribbean island that belonged half to the Netherlands and half to France. Whenever I tell people that I once crossed the french-dutch border they are like "wait what"
um...that's actually a pretty awesome fun fact
Kleiber’s Law suggests that the size of an animal and its metabolic rate (how much energy it needs to survive) follows a 3/4 power scaling law.
Interestingly, the results seem to work across animal kingdoms too. Mammals, fish, reptiles, and even plants all conform to the same 3/4 power scaling law.
Kilowatts, Bitcoin and Karma
the “1” in secp256k1 is stands for the “cofactor” of the curve group; a one means there’s no subcycles which means there’s no hidden math trick to find people’s keys
you get this by using a prime as the field size 🫡
One from a 12 year old at the dinner table: 75% of the freshwater on Earth is frozen…
The date Star Wars was released is closer to World War II, than today's date.
The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer due to the expansion of the iron in the heat.
That explains my brain contraction in the winter. Once summer comes around I should be able to understand what I just wrote.
Things don’t just “cool down” in space.
There’s no atmosphere to transport the heat away. So something that gets hot in space, stays hot.
So when we put astronauts on the moon, and they’re in the sun and start heating up, their suits have to actively cool them down, or they’d heat up until they died.
30 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 5 Jan
trust the science
30 sats \ 0 replies \ @go 5 Jan
Today, January 5th is the 12th day of Christmas! Twelvetide, or Christmastide, dates as far back as the sixth century.
January 6th, or "Epiphany" is celebrated to mark the day the wise men (or kings) came to honor Christ with gifts. Though Jesus was likely born in the spring, this season is used for traditional & liturgical celebration.
Advent is the days leading up to Christmas. Christmastide is the 12 days from Dec 25 to Jan 5. Then, if you live in New Orleans or Rio, begins the carnival season that culminates in Mardi Gras which is the day before Ash Wednesday.
During WW1 the Germans committed the first case of air-piracy and captured a Norwegian ship "Norwegian bark Royal" with a Zeppelin "L23"
curious fact: "if you don't touch it, it's not yours" long live freedom Saty on Pagüer 💪😎⚡
Translation: at what age did you learn how to use aluminum foil? -The shiny side is to conserve heat. - On the opaque side it is to preserve the cold.
Every year about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.
Fun Fact:
Epstein didn't kill himself.
Buy the dip ;)
The gifts given to Jesus at His birth are perfectly preserved and viewable today at Mt. Athos Monastery in Greece. Besides a few gold coins spent to fund their escape to Egypt, Mary gave the remaining gold, frankincense and myrrh to the apostles prior to her death.
It will take 34 years to mine the last bitcoin.
The inventor of the frisbee was turned into a frisbee. Walter Morrison's ashes were molded into a frisbee after he passed away. 👀
Two former US presidents who also happened to be among the signers of the declaration of independence (Thomas Jefferson and John Adams), died exactly on the day of the 50th anniversary of the adoption of that declaration, i.e. they both died on July 4, 1826.
Extra "fun fact": five years later, so on the day of 55th anniversary of the declaration, James Monroe died - also a former US president.
Elevators smell different to midgets
To put the garbage bags in the bin you have to start putting them upside down and then press the center. Mindblowing! It saved a lot wasted time in my life hahahha
The USA has the longest cave system in the world. Just scratch the surface of Kentucky and you’ll come across some incredible natural sites to explore. For instance, the Mammoth Cave National Park actually has the longest cave system in the world and a place that’s great to visit. I checked it out on a bike trip once. It was amazing!
Hahaha fun fact from Friday... While reading SN I see my 6 year old daughter running around the house screaming and making sounds for a while, and I tell her "Hey why are you screaming" and she responds: hahaha dad: "I just do what my be asking me" and continued running and screaming
Jan 3, 2009. Remember the date.
A technological marvel was introduced to the world.
15 years since BITCOIN Genesis block was mined
If you laid out all of your blood veins end to end... It would be really long
Your phone is statistically more likely to be stolen at the gym if you are on leg day.
Cigarettes are good for you!
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