A hot Bitcoin Core wallet ultimately shares the same risks as a hot LN wallet, so to call LN less secure is disingenuous.
Mhh, I think I see where you're coming from now. How people use LN currently might be less secure (custodial, hot wallets etc.) but as you explained, that doesn't necessarily mean that LN itself is less secure.
It's just a multisig with timeouts onchain.
Did I summarize your point of view correctly?
Can you elaborate on this though?
Payment channels over dark networks or private lines might become more common over time
With private lines, you mean LN nodes that pay or route through each other inside a VPN? What is a "dark network"?
Did I summarize your point of view correctly?
Yea I think fairly, i'd just also point out that the way most people use the chain currently is at parity... mostly custodial or hot.
Dark Network
Yea basically a VPN between partners and other opco's. I worked on this stuff in the energy sector, dark networks power basically everything and I think the same will be true for the majority of Bitcoin transactions.