Seeing how many people add an emoji at the beginning of their title to make their post be understood at a glance (e.g. "🔥 NEW SN FEATURE IDEA..."), why not allow users to select an emoji and make that appear with more prominence
Only if you let me have a bear 🐻
⚡ I like the idea. It's like a pre step before introcing tags or subreddits.
SN it's like hacker news, the concept of subreddit doesn't exists
Incorrect. ~jobs is technically the first sub that was added.
Discussion on the next sub has been discussed. The reason there aren't numerous subs now is (from my understanding of it), adding subs may be subtractive instead of additive. Meaning separating content and discussion into subs too early may inhibit the growth like occurs now when the community mashes it all up in this one sub. Jobs was kind of a special purpose offshoot, for now.
would this emoji that users select be shown on all their posts/comments?
kind of like a badge for identifying users?
I hadn't thought of that, but that's a good idea. We introduced 'emoji badges' on Geyser in the Leaderboard tab:
But I was mainly thinking that this might help users navigate through content more easily on SN's main landing page.
How does the fire in your title make your post better understood? It certainly draws my attention if that's what you mean. Emojis drawing attention which could be good if a post is good but is certainly bad if a post is bad ... I feel like they are more likely to be abused ... unless we make them expensive.
IMO, currently it can be abused as well by helping one stand out over others. But the added value is that it gives a one-glance-view of what to expect.
Maybe only a set of specific emojis like a linked tweet/video or a AMA are necessary
@k00b had a comment about emojis in the title back in may #24733
good find, @K00b is an emoji minimalist, I'm more of a maximalist.
But I agree that emojis are strong and applying a cost to them makes sense. You could then apply a boost with an emoji.