One piece of FUD that is very common to hear is advancements in quantum computing will eventually be able to break the underlying cryptography of Bitcoin. Because both quantum computing and Bitcoin are extremely complex topics, most people who believe this actually have no idea what they’re talking about.
Here is some great info to make that clear!
Thank you very much for this, I heard a quantum computing developer say that when it is highly developed it could break any type of cryptography, this will clarify the issue a bit more.
Yes 100%. 15 years into its journey Bitcoin has been remarkably resilient. This is due to the lack of changes made to the base layer. Only required changes should even been considered. We have a brilliant team of core devs ready to go if needed!
Thanks for posting. There are links to articles that easily explain the issue for people who may not be technically savvy.
You bet, it’s amazing when you peel back the layers on the most powerful computer network in the world!