So Education goes along with running a full node yet isn't this inherent in running a full node?
I saw many "node runners" that don't know what is UTXO... The learning process do not start by running a node, but by taking small steps, using regular wallets, reading a lot, testing the processes and after that when they have a basic knowledge is time to take the step to run a node.
Just running a node without basic knowledge is not enough.
Education goes with owning a firearm, yet it isn't required to own one (in the USA, at least)
While a single negligent node runner can't cause much damage (unlike with a firearm), if the vast majority of nodes are run by clueless operators, it can cause problems with consensus if, for example, they are persuaded to update to a malicious client (a la. Segwit2x) without understanding the ramifications.
The ability to run a node is open to anyone, but it comes with some level of responsibility.