Actually I will employ the rule “Begin with the End in Mind”. Non-Bitcoiners would likely be skeptical about this digital gold as they have heard a lot of bad press about it - drugs dealing, money laundering etc. So if they can be enlightened that Bitcoin helps address real-world needs, I believe their hard-liner attitude towards it will be softened.
Since I’m using Bitrefill, I will teach them how they can use the sats they accumulate from various sources - Stacker News being one of them - to buy gift cards associated with their daily expenses. There are other avenues like the Bitcoin Company and Xapo debit card, so they can explore all these options and settle on the one that aligns most with their lifestyle.
Once they see that Bitcoin is a legit currency, I’m sure they will be inclined to find out more about it - even run their own node or whatsoever.