pull down to refresh

Magical stuff. Professor @supertestnet at it again.
Love people solving their own problems. If I understand it correctly this has wider implications. This could (if more widely implemented) drastically reduce the amount of file storage needed for images and potentially video. And speed-up page load times everywhere implemented. Any 'downsides' you've encountered besides the dependencies and required script? What happens in the event one chunk/note is not retrievable? Guess I will have to test the links below to find out...
If I understand it correctly this has wider implications. This could (if more widely implemented) drastically reduce the amount of file storage needed for images and potentially video. And speed-up page load times everywhere implemented
I don't think so because it doesn't reduce the file size, which is a big bottleneck in download speed. In fact, it increases the file size, first by encoding it in base64 (which is already inefficient) and then serving that inside of a json object delivered by a nostr relay. The json object is essentially "packaging" which is discarded and just increases the file size, and nostr relays are not known for being particularly fast by web standards.
The main advantage of this is not faster downloads (they are slower) or reduced file sizes (they are bigger) but simply permissionlessness. Or closer to that, anyway. Any relay can simply block this data, so it's not fully permissionless, but nostr relays are also easier to self host than many alternative servers.
So the opposite of what I said.
Thanks for the thorough explanation.