Secrets from someone who feels like they get it from a life of what feels like success:
  1. Women - only pursue women of value, women who take life seriously, who don't want to date around, who protect their body, who have principles. These women won't drag you along and settle leaving you dating years and wasting life for "Experiences". The real experience is gained in a dedication relationship where 2 people value growing alongside each other for a life of fulfillment.
  2. Paid off house - we will get to this
  3. Stable job / Stable Pay - create tremendous value, build skills. You can work less hours and make more. Aim to build skills that differentiate you so that you can command a higher price, and therefore work less and earn more. (the house comes easy after this)
  4. Family - be intentional to grow and connect
  5. Financial buffers- keep stacking