Here's another nice thing: this series of updates and thoughts is the highlight of SN at this point. It's given me so much to think about. One immediate thing intersects a point you made:
I also learned that it's important (as I also kind of knew already) to just get started.
I already know this. I am the person who the people I work with would quote on the topic. And yet I still don't do it enough, or act like I believe it. It's like one of those papers on AI where the experts are too conservative every year, and then think to themselves: well, we've been too conservative for five years in a row, so this time I will definitely not be too conservative and they're still too conservative.
Act. And the world will deform to reflect your action. Jesus, it's the deepest lesson. Thanks for the reminder.
Act. And the world will deform to reflect your action. Jesus, it's the deepest lesson. Thanks for the reminder.
No worries, also thanks for the questions so I can remind myself about it again haha
It's only Day 11 and this went from a simple comment in the saloon about a "new game" (to which I thought I am late) to whatever this is and it keeps evolving. Already have plans what I am going to improve tomorrow.
This is the next deepest lesson probably: Continue to improve yourself, even if it's just 0.0001% every day.
My (probably totally overambitious) plan is to fill the front page with only posts from me lol.
So far I think the maximum was 2 or 3 posts from me that were at the front page at the same time. And maybe only top 10 should count.