All options are on the table as far as we're concerned. I'm a big advocate of homeschooling, but I'm more interested in private Montessori schools personally.
I prefer teaching the basic things myself, then sending the kids to hangout with different masters to learn real skills or crafts so that they can sell things or build their own fun ( learn how the real world works ) to earn in Bitcoin from an early age, instead of wasting time learning things from paper, much fun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
but then ofc it's up to the kids:)
I like that approach too. The thing is, if your kid goes to government school in America, you pretty much have to teach the basics yourself anyway. Our government school is pretty much no-additional-cost daycare and it provides an opportunity to hang out with their friends during the day, but you can't expect them to learn much while there.
This sounds tough. How do you intend to supplement your child’s learning if those private Montessori schools turn out to be too pricey?
Get her addicted to Khan Academy and Duolingo, mainly. I'll also keep the house stocked with interesting books for her to read, like my parents did when I was young.