• WoS launched on Jan 3, 2019
  • WoS hit 1M LN payments on Mar 14, 2021 (1,248 payments/day)
  • WoS hit 2M LN payments on Oct 4, 2021 (4,902 payments/day)
  • WoS hit 3M LN payments on Mar 29, 2022 (5,682 payments/day)
  • WoS is at 3,626,761 LN payments today (7,204 payments/day)
Payments/day is measured as the # of LN payments between milestones divided by number of days between milestones.
At their current pace, they’re doing 216,000+ LN payments/month and will hit 4M LN payments in mid-August.
So WoS is saving roughly 3 blocks worth of transactions per day :)
I really wonder how many transactions per day are done in Breez and Fountain, because the podcast streaming sends sats every minute (or every 4 minutes).
interesting way to look at it!
Breez is also in the range of 200k-300k Lightning payments/month, spoke with Roy about it a little while ago.
But is Fountain streaming these sats on their own ledger/DB or on LN itself? I imagine they do it on their ledger until user decides to withdraw.
I was trying to figure out what sleuthing you had to employ to learn these numbers ...
Oh, ... the current count is on their home page!
And they did Tweets for every one million milestone.
Impressive growth for LN!
And, nice job presenting this kr!
yup, you got it!
i really love the minimal design of WoS.
But I don't get why I have to give my E-mail address to get to my own 12 words in WoS.
Awesome. Wondering if this number is sends and recieves
i believe so
This wallet is siiiick ux/ui is so smooth