I agree with you, I'm not disagreeing, it's just that with the information age and the Internet providing the rails for any new train to roll into town
The speed of adoption could be much faster except for certain players derailing anything they see as a threat.
We as humans realise that the only way to get global concensus on any topic is co-operation
But how much of our 8b population is ready to make a new decision on the future of humanity and how many would prefer to have their daily feed fed to them by a centralised trough of comfort where they don't need to take responsibility for the outcome
You overestimate the power of the suits and underestimate the stupidity of the masses.
Yes I agree,
Case in point:
UK Post Office scandal unravelling hour by hour
20 years since the beginning of sub post masters being accused of stealing money
They were totally wholly innocent and to avoid going to prison, they admitted to crimes they didn't commit
Some lost their entire net worth
houses sold to pay fines never to be seen again
Marriages lost forever
Treated unbelievably despicably by the suits,
lied to, evidence covered up.
The victims were calling this out for years but nothing happened until centralised media crystallised the issue and gradually then suddenly the prime minister stands up in Parliament today and effectively pardons all 800 victims