nomad hack of today: taking advantage of localized SaaS pricing.
e.g., I'm paying 39.99 TL monthly for Spotify ( even with 15 TL cash back ), so it's about 1800 sats; Netflix is 99.99TL monthly ( even with 30 TL cash back ), so it's about 5000 sats - but I stopped using it, not much time to waste haha.
Many people would spend time figuring out how to save pennies, but I enjoy learning how to spend my money wisely, like if I can pay less for the same thing or even pay for the same but for better things, why not?
You might be amazed by how fun things can be with Geoarbitrage.
and then there is also Canva pro, 849.99 TL yearly ( about 60k sats ), I think people in the US are paying 270k sats yearly.
Good, but I've downloaded thousands of songs without paying a single sat by using SpotiFlyer free via github or F-droid.