I'm also a big fan of covers or even acoustic stuff. Hearing a different interpretation of the same song to me is like hearing that song a fresh. I know some people hate covers as they feel it ruins the original. But I love a fresh take.
Enjoying this so far it's not a band I'm familiar with, I'm going to have to check out more of their stuff.
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105 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 11 Jan
Enjoying this so far it's not a band I'm familiar with, I'm going to have to check out more of their stuff.
Spotify kept playing songs from them so at some point, I started to like the songs, lol. I think this is the only song that I can name from them now.
I know some people hate covers as they feel it ruins the original. But I love a fresh take.
What I don't like is when bands cover songs of other bands on their concerts. Like I am here to hear your songs, not the songs of other bands! lol
But other than that, I agree with you. Some covers are even better than the original :
(of course, it all comes down to personal preference)
(I still like Taylor Swift though)
What I don't like is when bands cover songs of other bands on their concerts. Like I am here to hear your songs, not the songs of other bands! lol i think the only time i'd contest that is if its a cover track they've gotten a lot of recognition for. eg Disturbed and Shout 2000, Land of Confusion, Sound of Silence. i'd be pretty disappointed going to a disturbed gig and not hearing sound of silence, their version is just so fantastic.
i've heard I Prevail do taylor swift and i fully agree, that song with screamo metal... yes.. all the yes. adds so much more texture to the track, more meat on the bone if you will.