This piece might ruffle a few feathers. That’s because there’s a lot of people out there that think having an Airgap Wallet makes their setup super secure and basically hacker proof, but they’re wrong.
One of the most common ways people fail at security is by thinking that something is secure… when in fact it’s not. So today we’re going to explain what Air Gapped Hardware Wallets are and cut through the often incorrect or just misleading marketing that many Hardware Wallet vendors push to make sure you’re protected.
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Wikipedia and the general IT / Security industry would beg to differ:
An air-gapped computer or network is one that has no network interfaces, either wired or wireless, connected to outside networks.
While we're big fans of SeedQR, we don't know of any HWWs that can use QR codes to upgrade their firmware. Only microSD cards really allow this and it's what the SeedSigner uses too. We also consider SeedSigner to be fully air gapped.
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Yup! We're sure someone is crazy enough to do it though 😂