We've been conducting some user interviews this week, and something we're wondering is how users talk about Stacker News with friends and family.
Have you ever introduced someone to Stacker News? If so, how do you describe the site? What is your Stacker News pitch?
yes and we don't tell each other our user names so we can try and guess who is who lol! (Still don't know)
I brought it to my family, some said "it's a website where the fbi finds hackers" and some said that they just weren't into the idea of it. Still trying to convince them lol!!
This comment was featured in This Day in Stacker News: June 24th as the top comment of the day.
And again:
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News: June 25th as the top comment of the day.
I describe stacker news as a bitcoin information hub. You can ask specific questions and crowd source answers quickly (if your post gets some love lol). You can even earn and tip sats while you're at it!
Seems to be easier to ask questions and get answers here than twitter (in my experience).
Still working on orange pilling them. Honestly though, most of my family struggles to save anything, because they're broke.
I did link drop and talk about SN on a video game message board (ResetEra) that's pretty hostile to bitcoin/crypto. Have no idea if any of them have decided to check this place out.
"Free and open social media where every upvote is a satoshi"
Mbe they don't know what a upvote is or a Satoshi tho
This question isn’t for me, but what I usually say:
It’s like Reddit but we pay you Bitcoin. Your karma is stored on a globally decentralized ledger and many people accept it as a form of payment, ie it’s Bitcoin. Oh and we take any money we earn and give it back to our best users.