I wish there is some decentralized open-source VPN out there. Anyone can deploy it, it would only allow end-to-end encrypted access, and should allow routing traffic via a chain which a client can build.
Thinking more about it. It is already out there Tor, I2P, Freenet and Lokinet. However, I feel if there was a paid alternative, more people would run it and there would be less abuse and better speed and less packet drops.
Perhaps ~nostr will scale tech like Tor in the future. We just need Tor to get more adoption.
The problem with ‘decentralised’ VPNs is anything that’s newly built needs to get significant enough network effects to be ‘secure’. And without that being the case, how do you know who is your counter-party? And that they are not the same party every hop of the way?
At least with a company they have a track record, they have levels of transparency and their brand is on the line. Even if many do still abuse it.
To me it’s either VPN, multiple VPNs looped together like @orangecrush mentioned, or Tor.