counting down the days until i can pay starlink and stop paying the telecom dinosaurs they’re about to disrupt
Starlink makes sense on countryside, where it competes with mobile broadband. It's more expensive, but faster. But in Riga I pay 11 EUR per month for 100 Mbps wired Internet in a flat, makes no sense to use Starlink, besides latency is higher.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 12 Jan
wow, sounds like you’re paying 5-10x less for mobile/internet than most service providers in Canada
Yes, historically there have been a lots of competition in Riga, lots of small ISPs, so prices are cheap compared to the rest of the world. And in phone I mostly don't use WiFi too, as unlimited mobile broadband is cheap too (I pay around 50 EUR per month for three numbers, everything unlimited).
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