I’m class of March 2021 Price was ~$60,000 USD What about you?
Time traveler here. Bought at ~$1.2M then it crashed to ~$450k so decided to come back to buy ceahp bitcorn and fuck the timeline. Living the life!
Super creative. I like it!
2013 i was buying throughout the year. it was a wild year. at the start it went from $45 to $250 then it went down to $45 during the summer, and then it went to $1,000 in the winter. I was so disappointed that people just kept buying and was screaming at the screen stop buying, what are you doing! Turns out a two year bear market followed and thats when the attacks began like the blocksize war and not long after Ethereum launched. Things just hasnt been the same since :) I hope one day things will get back to everyone being on the same team
February 2018 price was around $15000
December 2014 price was around ~$350
Summer of 2014, after MtGox imploded. My first btc bear I stacked hard, good times.
first touch 2013 ~100$ i was the nerd in college who helped the jocks use silk road. [there is no way the government will ever allow this to continue]-[let them keep the leftover sats cause i wanted $$ at the time]
second touch 2017 ~11,000 the bullrun/blocksize wars brought it back to me.
last touch late 2018 ~ $3500 entry in hindsight this was a beastly entry, but at the time i thought i was buying the falling knife.
lesson. just DCA buy bulk when you can. but dont mortgage your house. you cant live IN your bitcoin. believe me if i could i would
My average entry date is still in the future ;)
Jan '21 $31876 on Robinhood 😭
Jan 15 2014 - $836.76
I was only buying for dark net stuff and I didn't "get it" until the price was much much higher.
who cares?
I came in right at .1BTC before the big run-up of the third zip