Yes, Brian fucked up and was on the wrong side of the fork wars. They went full bcashtard.
bcash was never the problem. the reality is that no one was ready to spend Bitcoin on arbitrary good at the level of fees we saw. The software was fairly rough to use in spite of our efforts and more importantly really no good business model to sustain ourselves. The fork wars had no real bearing other than to cause a lot of maximalists to hate on us for supporting other payment options.
Hey Brian welcome to SN.
I can appreciate you had a nuanced situation with your team + investors + product market fit.
But let's not be naive...
Supporting bcash was aligning OB with a concerted attack on Bitcoin and the sovereignty of its users, many of whom were OB early adopters. Any built up loyalty + reputation you had from users like myself was lost.
Bitcoin wasn’t created to make bitcoiners happy. It was for freedom of money. We weren’t as concerned about making Bitcoiners happy as making free trade a real thing.