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2385 sats \ 9 replies \ @justanumber 13 Jan 2024 \ on: Can You Be A Libertarian Toxic Bitcoin Maximalist? bitcoin
Seriously dude, why are you living your life constrained by labels? Get to a point where you give zero f..ks. You can still be civil and polite but at the same time you don't have to apologise for your opinion. If you treat people with kindness and let them get on with whatever bullshit things they decide to do with their lives, you have nothing to fear and you go to bed every night knowing you have been kind. You live in your truth and are content with that. I do know what you mean, though, about getting a bit toxic. As I start to not give a f.k the abrasiveness can start to creep in, so it's an ongoing work in progress for me.
I used to try to "pill" people to whatever it was I felt passionate about. Now I just state my opinion and if people think I'm talking BS I think okay whatever. Who I am to try to convince them?
Do you have kids? That's actually a great learning curve. You try raise them and best you can an equip them with the tools of life and one day they walk out the door and take no notice of you. Man, it's hard watching and knowing they are making huge mistakes and are they're going to feel max pain from their decisions but there's nothing you can do about it. We all have to make their own mistakes and fail lots to be able to learn.
But back to the labels... I have had involvement in many different movements, communities etc... and I flippin hate labels. They come with a set of rules in terms of what you can and can't, should and shouldn't do etc. People start to behave like they're in a cult or something and come up with catchphrases and motos. Whilst sometimes that can foster a team spirit, it can start become very toxic. It's often a slow creep I was raised in a culty religion, so I have a massive aversion to all that sh!t and recognise it in an instant. And it's everywhere! F..k that! We're free, sovereign individuals to be who we are and do as we please, aren't we?
btw are we allowed uncensored swearing on SN? I have just bleeped out my swearing but don't know if I need to XD
I like how you want OP to give zero fucks but censored your use of the word fuck.
I know!! hehe The irony was not lost on me as I wrote that. Should I give minus fucks now I know it's fine? XD
Something that I have been considering, since I've been in spaces outside of the main big tech platforms, is how refreshing it is not to have moderate my own voice to exist there (and it goes waaay beyond censoring a few swear words) plus catching myself in the act of self censorship and considering how deep that censorship goes, without me even realising I'm doing it! It's like having to deschool yourself from all the social conditioning. I should write more about this when I get time.
You can swear on Stacker News. Yes, I have an adult child. I can relate to what you're saying. Great reply. I'm curious about your upbringing in a cult. Are you familiar with Nick Carter's claim (among others) that bitcoin maximalism is a cult? What do you think? Do you see it that way? Here's a link:
Nick carter's odd ranty posts turned me off to him. Its not a literal cult, obviously. He's over the top. I also stop reading Jimmy Song's posts
Thank you for the link, I will try to read this later and hopefully remember to come back to you.
Thanks for the link. I finally read it. I'm new to the btc space tbh, so I think I'll need to read it again ;-) xD
But totally get the aversion when it comes to the laser eyes, steak carnivore stuff and memes. Now I'd add stuff like the mandalorian quotes such as "This is the way" I cringe and groan internally when people say that. That whole ethos screams cultish to me.
By my very nature I am a non-conformist, so I'm usually repelled when it comes to doing things that everyone else is doing. That's why I'd never put laser eyes on anything lol. When I first saw ppl doing that, I thought wtf are you all doing?! I've got used to seeing it now. I think get why they're doing it but don't think it's anything to do with btc getting to $100k
A couple of points I'm with him on:
- people making bitcoin their entire personality
- when he said: "Ultimately, Bitcoin is not a lifestyle. Bitcoin is not a steak dinner. Bitcoin is not memes and it’s not laser eyes. Bitcoin is a profoundly useful tool. It is impregnated with some ideology, but it is not the ideology that these people profess. The core Bitcoin values have to do with property rights, individual human dignity, self-determination, privacy, autonomy, and monetary predictability. Bitcoin attracts me for that reason".
so, it seems you are fine to swear on SN but when Iook at my satistics on posts where I have sworn (only about 2 I think), vs ones I haven't, I got almost half as many sats. So, are we punished for swearing?
I have been on here a while. I think your sample size is too small. I doubt any correlation you notice is real. I have seen guys running the site use colorful language. Do what's comfortable for you. No one gives a fuck about obscenities.