He fulfilled his duty and died. On the Day of Judgment, he will be resurrected like every other human being.
Quran 4:158 "Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with body and soul) to Himself (in the heavens)"
Q1: Is Jesus alive or dead in the heavens?
if He is alive in the heavens - he obviously won't be resurrected anymore (of course unless he will die again, but Jesus will die in heavens?!)
if He is dead - that's very unlogic that such a big prophet is still dead in heavens and still waiting for Day of Judgment and to be resurrected (resurrected in heavens?) - there is no benefit from being raised up by Allah in the heavens, then
anyway, in both cases: Quran verses regarding this are completely unlogic
Q2: As Jesus will be resurrected like every other human being - how often some other human being is raised up by Allah, then?
I would say that not so much of human beings were raised up in the heavens to be resurrected there in Day of Judgement.
Hi again,
Q1: Every person returns to God when he dies. Since the Qur'an promises a day of reckoning after people die, that is, everyone will be fleshed out again on the day of reckoning, they are not considered dead. In short, no one is considered spiritually dead until the day of reckoning.
Q2: As I wrote above, every human being will be resurrected once. (On the day of reckoning).
This world is the place of testing. Prophets will also be rewarded or punished for their good or bad deeds. However, prophets can be expected to be forgiven for the hardships they have endured.
P. S. Please compose your questions after reading the entire Qur'an. This is because the Qur'an takes this into account and provides people with answers by repeating the questionable issues. The first thing that catches the eye of those who read the Qur'an for the first time is the presence of recurring themes. As a matter of fact, the human brain learns best by repeating.