Hello guys! We all know that android is not privacy friendly ecosystem by default. If you want privacy but don't want to change stock OS for some reasons (eg. warranty voids, loosing fast charge ability, low camera quality, unsupported banking apps etc.) this topic is just for you. I'll tell my ways to get back my freedom as much as I can and I know some of them are not perfect. Let's share our own ways and develop better privacy habits together!
Step 1) Remove/Disable unwanted system apps and bloatware! I guess 80-90% of this sub knows how to use adb commands to remove/disable apps. If you search for "x brand bloatware list" on google you can learn which apps you can get rid of easily. I want to share easier way so that will save you lots of time and you don't need to deal with pc or terminal interface. You can disable or remove system junk only with your phone with this combo: Shizuku + Canta https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/moe.shizuku.privileged.api https://f-droid.org/tr/packages/org.samo_lego.canta/ Shizuku will give you "rootish" powers to use Canta. Canta is a GUI for system app remover. This procedure is warranty friendly.
Step 2) Disable tracking settings system wide + in-app Our phones are listening us all the time, we all know that. They are collecting data to learn our deepest habits. Luckily, we have choice to select "do not collect" option. You can disable advertising profile on google settings + disable history for google services. Also, google the "disable cookies for x app", "disable data collecting for x app", "disable user experience program for x app" and continue.
Step 3) Find privacy friendly alternative apps I don't want to suggest specific app or promote something. I'll teach how to fish (with my way) so you can find your own best alternative. My suggestions can not fit your needs so this way will be better.
I suggest you to install every single app like you normally do and right after that use Exodus to find out the data collectors inside the app. https://exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.eu.exodus_privacy.exodusprivacy&hl=tr&gl=US
You can check the trackers and also you can run your own test to find out which trackers you got in your untested apps. Right after that, you can use Exodus again to find better alternatives for your app. Another good alternative application sources are: https://f-droid.org/tr/ https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/ https://alternativeto.net/ https://www.privacytools.io/ https://www.opensourcealternative.to/
Step 4) Block trackers directly! If one of your app survived until this stage, this will be your last chance (at least for me). You can block trackers and their data sources with couple ways. I'm using NextDNS to apply URL filter to my internet connection. With higher android versions, you can use this service without installing a third party programs. Another nice alternative is DuckDuckGo browsers in app blocker. App creates a VPN profile to filter tracking requests.
Last Step) General suggestions: After the key points, I'll share couple common suggestions.
  • Don't use Google to search things. There are tons of nice alternatives exists: DuckDuckGo, Brave Search...
  • Use 2FA for everything possible
  • Use private mail service like Proton, Tuta, Skiff...
  • Don't share your email directly. Create aliases and use temporary mail services for junk accounts. Also, you can use addy.io or similar services to create new email address for your every single sign up.
  • Don't share pictures before removing their EXIF data. Good FOSS alternative for it: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.none.tom.exiferaser
  • Use different android profile to search anonymous online. Separate your personal profile from it.
  • If you are done with an application, delete it. You can install it again if necessary. (If you don't have much data package, just back up the APK file to reinstall. This will prevent tracking and saves a lot more battery)
  • Use encrypted services. Sky is the limit. For password managers, emails, messaging apps, anything that you can take backup needs to be encrypted.
  • Use hard passwords and don't overuse it.
  • Don't take notes/passwords online.
These are my rules for a privacy friendly android ecosystem. These can not be perfect without your suggestions! Please don't hesitate me to suggest better ways! I also want to improve my own methods too. Take this as a challenge and give me your best answers!
Thanks for the pointers. I use Brave search first, then if I don't find what I'm looking for I'll do Google. Google is honestly usually better.
What's your favorite search engine?
Good old DuckDuckGo 🦆
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DuckDuckGo browser
Is it just me or DuckDuckGo and Chromite does not support sending push notif on mobile ?
Personally, I have very limited experience with DuckDuckGo browser and Cromite. I'm using Fennec and Firefox. Bookmark sync is a must for me. Also, Firefox got Alby extension support for mobile. Makes life easier for Satoshi stacker 😉 For your question, I have couple theories: Battery saving mode closes them or your system disabled notification permission for them.
You might like Mull browser. It's deblobbed Firefox
Thanks! I'll give it a try.
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Yea if the button is gone, that means it’s not supported in the browser you’re using
cc @ekzyis in case I’m mistaken
Yes, this is the intention.
However, I think there were some occasions where the button was gone but maybe that was just during me messing around locally.
So I wouldn't completely rule out a bug.
you can reply if you want, I'll promise I won't edit my comment
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