I agree. Ultimately the bitcoin price will rise significantly. When it's where Wall Street wants it, it will be controlled.
But by that time it may be difficult to control
Other countries like elsalvador may come up with ETF settling with Bitcoin instead of cash settlement and likewise
70% of current bitcoin has not moved last 1 year That means only a max 30% may be available for centralisation and there will be competition amongst centralised players to gain custody of these centralised bitcoin
Centralised bitcoin ETF with custodian publishing a ledger of holders agains the custodial bitcoin in Blockchain may get more acceptance in the market and many such players may emerge
Finally it will head for short squeeze and all the centralised players having not enough bitcoin in custody will go belly up
Best case scenario. I hope you're right. It would be sweet watching a few fiat institutions get rekt. I'm not going to spend time worrying about it. I'll just keep stacking sats and do my part to aid adoption. It's out of our control anyway.
Please share ur thoughts about my article if u have the time to read it through