Orange pilling my sister-in-law right now. Got her to download Muun, because it's noob friendly, and told her about Bitrefill. Told her about how bitcoin was designed explicitly as a p2p global monetary system. We started our conversation about Roe v. Wade, how we've both thought about leaving the country, and that's how I steered the convo to bitcoin. How permanent residency visas and citizenship can be bought in other countries. How the president of El Salvador talked about offering citizenship to those who can pay x3 bitcoin, and that other countries will have similar programs in the not too distant future.
I come from a place that have plenty of expats and they never integrate well, their kids go to private schools and quite a number simply move back to EU/US. Meanwhile a large numbers the locals including myself are leaving due to political crackdowns, and expats simply live in a privileged society and don't get what's going on.
Depending on where you go, there's a chance you might get stuck there and not making enough to move back out. Some of those who move out ran out of funds and eventually went back with most of their live savings gone.
Thanks for your perspective.