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I write a blog post and publish it on Wordpress, then share to twitter and I get….NOTHING.
I post it on SN and I stack a few hundred sats.
This. Is. The. Way.
I was thinking if you live in an under-developed country where the average salary is $3-6/day you could make a decent living here on SN.
Farm sats crossposting from /r/bitcoin and use a LLM to clean up your english and come up with topic ideas for different territories.
It beats most jobs in those countries.
I wonder how long you would last making pennies.
Better to come up with new articles and ideas, maybe talk about BTC and LN in your country and make serious money. People reward original content more than sat farming.
I dunno I don’t think my posts nor some of the top posts are better than what you could make with minimal effort and a premium LLM.
I’ve had a couple of low effort posts make a couple of bucks in USD, not even accounting for daily rewards.
Getting harder to tell what is “original content” these days. Not worth the time for anyone in a developed country, but could be a decent gig for someone in the Philippines etc
Yes! Bitcoin.Is.The.Future so excited to see the future of Stacker News and those pushing it forward. Great material and a central hub for Bitcoin evolution!
Ha ha. “Central”.
deleted twatter few months ago and can't be happier:)
I treat twitter like a zoo.
Stand back behind the bars and watch the animals crap all over each other.
But when it comes to mass amounts of timely info, twitter is days ahead of everyone else.
haha, zoo!
but sometimes it's the quality that matters:)