Caplan doesn't consider himself an Austrian economist anymore, but he has the intellectual background, and is an interesting thinker on assorted topics, traditional econ or otherwise.
Those who remember “shock therapy” in the former Soviet bloc with horror will regard even a marginal move toward free-market policies with suspicion. The hard truth, though, is the shock therapy worked wonders. The countries that embraced radical free-market reforms in the 90s really are vastly better-off today as a result. Those that took a cautious, go-slow approach were stagnant by comparison.[x] The corollary of “In the long run, we’re all dead,” is that we’re all living in the long-run our predecessors chose for us. If Argentinians had voted for Chile’s free-market model back in the 80s when they were twice as rich as Chileans, their children would probably now be citizens of a First World country instead of a basket case.
Interesting overall take.
I believe his policies are good and he has his heart in the right place. However South America has the desire for free things etched in their DNA. I speak that because I am from SA and I've seen it pretty well. It will be hard to make a change when everyone wants "free" things from the state.
I believe only time will tell if Milei is just another brick on the wall or if he will actually make any difference.
I believe that in general the policies that Milei is carrying out and will carry out will have a strong impact in the short term, but in the long term they will have their effect and will make Argentina a much more stable and competitive country, let's support Milei
Even just saying the right things can make a difference, especially in this situation where his ability to make a change is limited. His WEF connection is worrisome. In Davos he yelled about freedom and everyone clapped politely. It seemed staged, like everything else at Davos.
341 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 18 Jan
We have to remain skeptical of him and the theories about him as well. He may be legit. He may not be.
Think about what it would have signaled if he were not allowed to speak or invited. I don't hear that counter argument from anyone. I suspect they invited him knowing he would do what he did. I don't think they feel threatened by him. And they shouldn't. He has a lot of work cut out for him.
If I were running the WEF I'd invite him. The leaders and masses are so clueless about economics and freedom I think they are underestimating him.
We also have to be careful that we don't fall into the trap of judging people based solely on connections. I've heard some rather flimsy theories over the years. They take more faith to believe than the drivel on TV
To be clear. The reason he was invited could be to create content for the media around the world to slice, dice, and use to mock him. To create fear porn. Not saying it will work but this could be a rational reason for giving him a platform.
Interesting take
Both of these can be true.
  1. Milei makes positive change
  2. Milei is a crooked and fake politician
Don't put your hope in politics or the men. But, it is hopeful to see someone saying what he is saying in a position of power. We will see what happens.
The biggest reason he might succeed is just that people were willing to elect someone saying the things he said the way he said them.
The ruling class isn't oblivious to the holes they've dug and they know some of his solutions are the right ones. The reason they haven't adopted them has been political willpower.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
Both of these can be true...
Felt that exact same way about Trump after he didn't break absolutely everything like the media and my instincts told me he would, although the effects of the lockdowns and money printing (both of which he had no problem with) that we've felt the last few years greatly outweigh any positive change I saw in late 2020. He only broke the corporate media as far as I was concerned. I fear if he gets in this time and doesn't put the right people around him, his enemies will try to engineer some catastrophes to hang on his head on. Same could very well happen to Milei.
Lightning rod figures definitely challenge dogma though, which is necessary for civilization to advance.
I am still skeptical but I did like his evisceration of the failed modelling of "neoclassical" economics.
1 sat \ 0 replies \ @gd 18 Jan
Be cautious of one man being "the saviour". Plato laid out this road from Democracy to Tyranny a long time ago.
When was Argentina Great?
If you mean the period between 1880 and 1930, often referred to as the "Golden Age" or "Belle Époque" of Argentina. Notably, this period also saw significant social inequality and political instability becoming a recurring issue. Argentina has faced challenges and changes in subsequent decades, including economic crises, military dictatorships, and democratic transitions.
It's nice to hear from someone in power who understands the relationships between free market capitalism, freedom, socialism, and the state.
Watched a couple translations of his WEF speech and his campaign appearance on Tucker on X and came away pretty inspired. Makes me want to be an entrepreneur again. Not only that but to take it as a duty to fight against ideas like "where there's a need, there's a right" and socialism in general.
An important question is where does one act in order to have the greatest impact against these forces? Is it in the streets, at city council meetings, with freedom tech, supporting like minded individuals or debunking those who are incorrect on the internet?
Freedom tech, of course. Cypherpunks rule.
Finally got around to listening to Milei's speech at Davos. Man is he something. To me the most hopeful thing is to him but that there are people that voted for this guy even though he is the polar opposite of most world "leaders".
I don't expect much from politicians so his words are refreshing. I suspect Argentina is gonna get worse before it gets better. My theory on why he was invited to the WEF was so they can have these recordings in the media and replay them in a few years when things really look bleak in his nation. I don't think he's a psyop or tool. He could be but it seems more likely that they are gonna try to manipulate people in the way I described.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @clr 19 Jan
Then he would be a tool in the sense that he is being played, no?
I think the biggest mistake of conservatives and libertarians at this point is to keep trying to save the nation-state instead of fully adopting bitcoin and becoming more self-reliant. They are just prolonging the agony and giving ammunition to the globalists. And yes, wouldn't it be wonderful if I was wrong and only the right politician with the right "formula" would save us and straighten things?
I voted for Milei and happy about the general direction. His speech at the WEF was great but I feel something is fishy with his connections there.
I also don't know why he's so obsessed with Israel (whose creation and expansion btw are a blatant violation of the NAP)
Does he speak about the NAP often? I hear his economic arguments for anarcho capitalism all the time but I never hear his morality arguments for it, which are just as important.
I just assume he's got a great head for economics but not interested with the morality side, maybe because it goes against his Jewish teachings.
Yes, he constantly speaks about morality and the NAP. The latest proof is his speech at the WEF where he emphasizes both.
We all hope so but this will go beyond monetary policies