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I usually train 6 days a week (Muay Thai and running), and when I don't I have no idea what to do in the mornings.
Just before Christmas I got a calf injury, nothing too serious but a niggling one that just I didn't recover from quickly. I have now trained 4 times in 4 weeks! I strap it up, get down to the gym, do my thing and it feels ok, and then the next day - unbelievable.
How do you healthy folks stay motivated when you're injured and can't do your usual training?
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As a retired professional endurance sport athlete I can say without a doubt... Just do as much as you can without making affecting your current injury. Too many people just sit it out fully and wait. You have to go do something. Anything. Then, when getting strong again, slowly get back into normal routine.
If you can't run; then go walk. Or walk on treadmill at incline. If you can't do that; ride a bike, or swim. Maybe upper body only stuff.
Now that I just stay fit because I love it and it's not my job, if ever I'm silghtly injured I go do something else for a bit. There's millions of things to do in the world. My favourites: mountain biking, dirt biking, road cycling, wind surfing, running, hiking, swimming, weights.
Probably best to do only light workouts until it heals. Overworking an injury can easily turn a 2-4 week recovery into 8+ weeks.
As for motivation, and to the extent that exercise is essential, I'd work around it but still keep it light so as not to stress the healthy limbs. Easier said than done but since you mention a morning routine perhaps doable.