Having more sats in my LN wallet, albeit paltry, makes me feel that I have accomplished something before my work day starts. I then use 500 sats as play money. I zap more generously than in the past and don’t bat an eyelid when some territories require 100 sats to post. Because I have enough!
What if I told you that you would have more play money if you zap others more 👀 and data speak for itself:
I'm not a fan of sharing too much data in public, but since I'm selling the art of stacking - this was from yesterday, and I didn't even have too much time to do the zapping because I was busy with my own posts, so mostly all I did was zapping those who leave comments in my posts.
End of the day - zapping popular posts and hanging out at the Saloon: One way to get rewarded with sats is to zap the trending posts. So I look at the top posts and see if I have anything else to add on.
bad practice, you don't wait to zap the popular posts, you should be EARLY to spot those to-be-popular ones! Adding comments is good, but again be EARLY is the way.

But then again, I've also shared in my SSL that I'm not a sat maxi but a grow and fun maxi in SN:) Life is not about stacking sats only, the unseen are more valuable.
Thanks for showing me your rewards stash! It’s really motivating
And thanks for the pro tip. I would never have figured it out. Haha. I would be sure to support the OPs of recent posts from now on. Who knows? I might hit the jackpot haha