We had something like this when I was at Suredbits and it never really got off the ground. Lightning doesn't have enough adoption and it doesn't really solve a problem here. Users are happy to link a credit card and settle up at the end of the month
Not all users are happy with credit cards. How is it not solving a problem for the unbanked?
You're not wrong, but apis are normally paid for buissnesses that have banking. The market isn't very large for paid apis for unbanked people
Using LN for this encounters too many technical / logistical problems.
API that stops working because your LN channel is not balanced correctly, and then needing to pay $50 to rebalance channel to earn $.005 per API call is not worth it.
The unbanked may not even be able to afford the channel open / close fees....so....
Being unbanked does not mean being poor.
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