Did you or anyone you know receive any good news this week? Do you have anything special happening over the weekend? Did you hear a good story from your local community? Please share it with us! Let's spread the good cheer!
Week 2 of this weekly series from ~A_bit_of_Good_News by @needcreations_
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I'll start - one of my high school seniors wrote a persuasive essay for his English class on "Why Bitcoin." It was really good! He cited a few well known Bitcoiners like Alex Gladstein. I helped orange pill him at the beginning of the school year. He's been progressing really fast. Just last week he told me he moved all his coins to cold storage!
Another piece of good news for myself...I can now do sets of 15 pushups at a time. Just a few months ago, I could barely do 1! The body is amazing if you treat it properly.