Howdy everybody!

I'm back from last month with my cloud storage site,

Here's the latest:

Now you can sell your generative AI images for Satoshis using HighContext. It works by processing your Base64-encoded JSON image and creating a listing page for you that contains a watermarked version of your image.
After a visitor pays the Lightning invoice (you set the price) on your image listing page, they are able to access the raw image by using the "access_token" value tied to their payment.
There's already some incredible artwork for sale in our Misfits Market. Check it out:
Don't let your AI images from Mid Journey, Dalle, et al go to waste. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
P.S. Here are the two keys you need in your JSON to trigger the image processor:
I just made this a few seconds ago and then saw this post lol, I hope some people get it:
Which model did you use?
This was Dall-E 3
so sick