I used to play Solitaire, but @Bitman alerted me to the fact that it comes with 17 trackers. I was horrified and have since deleted it.
I do use the Yzer app. It gives sats after you finish its bite-sized lessons. Something like Coinbase.
Coinbase has dried up for me. All the quests are in its Coinbase Wallet - and nope, I’m not gonna jump through hoops for 10 bucks. Revolut, on the other hand, provides Learn n Earn lessons with no strings attached but they are few and far between lar
I use the Cointiply faucet on company time haha
And fountain when I’m doing household chores
I agree with the rest. SN is the fastest way to stack sats
I managed to give @cryotosensei the tracker info easily by viewing at the trackers his Android app using Exodus's website.
Exodus's tracker data on such apps are also visible when you choose not to use the Google Play store but use its unofficial FOSS client app Aurora instead.
It can be quite shocking to see how many trackers you welcome into your phone.