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I'm particularly interested in human biology, our genes and CRISPR/Cas9, as well as possible technological "upgrades" to our bodies, which might allow us to inch closer towards "immortality" - in the sense of not dying because of cells that stop renewing themselves.
I'm decidedly not bullish on CRISPR's prospects for humanity. I think a future like GATTACA is more likely than some golden age of humanity.
I would say something related to unlimited clean energy, like if we could harness the sun's power via a dyson sphere, but obviously we're not close to that... and given human nature we're probably gonna screw that up too and use it for all sorts of bad things.
Ultimately it's going to be renewed morality that ushers in a new golden age rather than new technology. That's my belief, anyway.
Not bullish on CRISPR? Why?! I think it could open-up some pretty important and interesting opportunities.
Could you expand on GATTACA? Is it a goal or an abbreviation?
A Dyson sphere would classify us as a type 1. Civilization, which is still far far out of our reach.
How would that morality be renewed, and why would it not be compromised?
Gattaca was a dystopian movie about genetic discrimination. In the future, rich people could afford designer babies, natural non-modified people were looked down upon, and the genetically imperfect were segregated and relegated to menial jobs
Hmm, could very well be the outcome for us, too.
I'm simply relying on the moral debates keeping such a possibility at bay, though.