Humanity is facing global threats due to technology so should have global solutions. If you like the world cup you are a globalist so you should be ok with global central planning (he didn't say the last part about global central planning but he did say if you like the world cup you are a globalist). Technology/Ai will disrupt society and maybe even our biology so we need governments of the world to coordinate to manage the disruption.
There is also another clip where he talks about depopulation but I think that one gets taken out of context to make him seem like he is implying that the world needs to depopulate where I think he is just referring to trends in the west.
Hm, thanks man, can't put the finger on what makes him a bad guy for this space... Something along the lines of "regulate Bitcoin / change PoW"?
He is pro centralization and top down control. Bitcoiners are pro individual freedom and decetralization is pretty much the jist of it. He hasn't come out and said anything specifically negative towards bitcoin that I know of. Ideological differences.
Sheesh if that's all it takes... Bitcoiners can be real bitches.