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Hello Sat Stackers, what’s up?
As we all believe here, we should be stacking as much sats as we can, by any means, big chunks or small amounts at a time…
So I’ve been browsing the web to find out what was available to get « free sats » as passively as possible…
I found out that a decent way to stack very passively was to use that one app : Ember Fund.
The basic feature is simple : 1 click per day to load a 24h chrono. As long as the chrono runs, you earn sats! You start pretty low depending on what country you live in. But then as you add referrals, your earnings climb up to 100 sats / hour. Then you have additional features to earn more ( if you spend more time…) The top earners make around $300/month in BTC, not negligeable right?
I’ve been using it long enough to test the withdrawal and legitimacy of it, and I am positive, the app is legit and the sats are chillin’ in my wallet!
So if you’re willing to give it a try, let me offer you my referral link to bump your initial earning by 10 sats / hour even before you start referring to your friends and family ;)
Join Ember with my referral link and we'll both earn Bitcoin daily! Referral Code: MNGPBYXPQUD https://emberfund.onelink.me/ljTI/bce33290/?mining_referrer_id=MNGPBYXPQUD
I have a few other good deals that I will advertise in the upcoming days.
Until then, keep stacking my fellow friends!
This app is shit. Not worth it guys. minimum withdrawal amount is ridiculous too. Oh, and shame on you for the referral code plug.
Also, just to be a little more productive, because criticizing is easy, why wouldn’t you give us better alternative @AJ1992 ? Something that pays more , with less effort and with a smaller cashout threshold. I am sure everybody would be interested.
No, because I don't believe in fake cloud mining and data selling like this to gain money. This app is all about giving up all your privacy for a very minimal amount of sats..I thought you bitcoin maxis were supposed to be all about privacy
Oh my god, i gave up all my privacy… all i gave up was an email address made up for this app… Who talked about cloud mining? I believe it’s you… minimal amount of sats… so I was right, you are worth so much more… how come you have an insight on that app by the way? Because you probably tried it in a fordt place… so you gave up an email address… I think your feedback has just been proven irrelevant… Criticizing, not proposing better… because obviously nobody is going to give you 1btc online, and that has never been the promise… it s all about multiplying passive sats earning so at the end of the day you have more than the previous day… Anyway, thank you for sharing with us your fear of sharing your private data… I am sure most people have the ability to think about what information they are ready to give up…
You should do some research on what ember actually does and how you "earn." It's data mining dude.
You seem to be really quick at throwing sh*t on walls… what about you share your sources for once? They make money from the surveys, commercials, sponsored games and their own crypto exchange fees, and redistribute a small amount of that… The only data they can make a business of is your email address « dude »
Thank you @AJ1992 for your feedback. Minimum withdrawal is $5. With 100 sats/h it what 5 days to be able to withdraw … 5 clicks… I would let people decide what is worth their time because obviously not all sats are worth it according to you. Regarding the referral, people are also free to not use it and not use the extra sats. Is advertising shameful to you? I’ll have a look at what you published here and see how great of of a SN user you are no worry ;)
Anyway, you all have a great day
Thanks tbh I have no idea what you're talking about when you say "24h chrono" lol but I'll look into it. Look forward to seeing some of your other suggestions to collect free sats :)
I should have said count down instead of chrono… when you click the main tab button, it will show 24:00:00 and will decrease every second down to 00:00:00 and then you stop earning… until you click the button again…and you re good for another 24h Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance, but honestly, very straight forward and fast to pick up !