oh, i hadn’t heard him talk. ha, he does come off smug. his writing is definitely smug, but for some reason reading smugness doesn’t rub me the wrong way, but hearing and seeing it does.
one interesting point he does make, that could add to your list. he says global trade has only been possible because the US Navy is in every sea to ensure safe travel of goods. I don’t know if that necessarily just helps the US, more of a global win.
smug is a gross understatement. I've never seen someone so condescending and arrogant talking about complex topics such as geopolitics. He should stay in his lane when it comes to economics.
There is no amount of intelligence that can't be overpowered by arrogance.
There is no amount of intelligence that can't be overpowered by arrogance
Definitely stealing this.
Inspired by Proverbs 16:18 and observed over many years. When we start to think to highly of ourselves we become very vulnerable to mistakes.
I've seen this in myself and in people much smarter than me.
Job 12:23-25 also comes to mind.
I saw it in myself in 2022 I was on top of the world and telling everyone to buy bitcoin. I still believe in bitcoin but i am NEVER suggesting it again, it took years for them to stop sending me articles about how bitcoin sucks.
US dominance of the sea does help the US but I think you are right.