I mostly work backend in Go and Lua, but I’ve recently been working on a React Native app and a Next.js app. and I gotta say, while I’ve known React for a long time, I haven’t dug deep and really built a lot in it. It’s growing on me. It really is a great way to build frontends. And so often, the product really needs to start with the frontend because that’s where the user is. I don’t really bother with Figma because it’s just as complicated as just mocking things up in React. Plus, shadcn makes it so easy to get up and running, and you just customize from there.
I really like NextJS and MongoDB for quick and dirty projects. Just swap in prisma/pg if you need a more scalable db setup
Old school, java/j2ee, jpa and postgres.
JavaScript (Vue) + PHP (Drupal)
Any other PHP devs here? It’s still alive and kicking, catching up other modern serverside languages 🤓
Many years in coding, mainly in the backend. Spent the first several years writing Python, then Golang, and I use Rust a lot in my spare time. I like Python, but I'm not fond of the virtual environment and package management aspects. I've used buildout and pyenv, and now I've settled on poetry. Python is convenient and always the go-to choice for handling simple tasks. I've never been fond of Golang. It's verbose and less expressive. I'd say Golang is a better C, but nothing more. My favorite these days is Rust. It's strict and has changed my thinking about coding.
I've never been a fluent frontend developer. I've tried to learn CSS several times, but I wouldn't say I've mastered it. Last year, I learned some Vue, and it felt amazing. Frontend skills are invaluable when building a complete product. I really regret not taking it seriously years ago.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @gd 27 Jan
SvelteKit is pretty nice, I’ve got a WebAssembly set up with that at the moment. Writing a lot more Rust recently, but Go has been my language for the last 6 or so years. It’s hard to beat Go.
Nuxt 3
I mostly work on MS stack, C#, SQL Server and maybe TS. The most productive to me is MVC or Web Api, simple TS HTML and Bootstrap for client side, Entity Framework and Sql Server.
this goes for @erict875’s response too. I’m sometimes jealous of you enterprise stack guys (C# and Java). Feels like you’ll always have a job, and so much time and experience backed into the ecosystems.
Yes it gives job stability even though recently I see a lot of demand for front end frameworks, angular, vuejs, node, react, now also python, it's very frontend oriented and very fragmented in the tech stack overall.
I've been really happy with Nextjs, GraphQL, and postgres/opensearch.
we’ll call it the stacker stack!
I can’t get myself to appreciate graphql. it keeps feeling like it’s just getting in the way. I know where must be something I’m missing. Like I haven’t ever hit the problem it’s supposed to solve.
If you're not spending a lot of time interacting with the APIs you're building, it's hard to appreciate.
ah, makes sense. What are you thought on Next.js app router update?
It solves some of the pain points of pages but introduces new ones. SN still uses the pages router. We'd probably benefit from switching though.
I feel the same. pages made the difference between client and server more explicit. the app router makes it implicit, so harder to immediately reason about. but, will probably get easier with more time with it. I think it’s just the nature of RSCs, so we all gotta get used to it.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 26 Jan
Good point about the client-server boundary getting blurred in the app router. The app router generally doesn't feel fully baked yet. I used it for both Outer Space and Charlotte's Web of Trust and found errors harder to diagnose and the documentation less clear.
yes, totally agree about documentation. I’m building something with it now, and I decided to sell out and try copilot. But, all it knows is pages. ha! But, it does know react well, so it can spit out a lot decent stuff if you give it the right prompts.