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And it came as it had to: the United States is gradually withdrawing from the Ukraine affair, a familiar pattern that we have also seen recently in Afghanistan. At the same time, other powers such as China and Russia are advancing into the vacuum that the United States is leaving behind, especially in the Middle East, where the United States is currently losing control of the Red Sea and an out-of-control Israel is strategically pushing the Islamic world together.
this territory is moderated
First year they lied us Russia is weak and in a couple of weeks it'll should retreat, at that time Russia just keep destroyed our territories and build its factory to make more weapons. And now they are trying to says Russia isn't weak at all..
It's always the same at the end of a credit cycle. The pump needs to get steam
I have no words to people who destroyed all hopes in bright future and destroyed our peaceful life
Drain the swamp. We have the tool in our hands
Xactly. We have Bitcoin and time. The time will settle down everything
Is their anything worse than US foreign policy?
Yes. German economics policy
Props to you for using Ground News
I guess You recommended it to me, no? I put it on my list
Accurate, but it doesn't bode well for the west.
No. Looks like the power construct gets larger and larger cracks