Part of my family came from East Germany, a socialist country. No one in their right mind or who has had this experience would ever want to spend a single day in such perverse conditions of ignorance, of artificial stultification by an encroaching state.
As a German too: EXACTLY.
American Champagne-socialists should just make a long vacation through eastern Europe. Talking to people who actually went through this. Look at the scars it made through society and individual people. How central planning first slowly and then accelerating faster and faster encroached on every part of life everywhere. It leads unstoppable to authoritarian oppression.
209 sats \ 2 replies \ @TomK 27 Jan
The young generation really has no idea what they're talking about. But with a little luck they will make their experience with this mental virus.
Socialism cannot be explained, you have to suffer it to understand, if you survive, what it is about. It is not worth arguing with soulless people who live in free countries, eat three times a day and support the left from their iPhone. Being a bitcoiner is the complete opposite of socialism.
Thank You. Clear and straight words on the biggest stink bomb men threw on men so far