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Found this channel because I searched for something else related to ~privacy and found this comment:
  1. use pseudonymous identities, each used for different purposes
  2. don't use social networks that track you on the web, or at least use browsers that block tracking
  3. check out the great privacy guides by Sun Knudsen
-- @stick, #38055, July 2022
Related video from Tom Scott: This Video Is Sponsored By ███ VPN
Apparently, according to a YT comment, this video was supposed to be sponsored by a VPN provider but Tom Scott was "too honest":
Tom Scott did very good video on this topic. The funny thing was that the video was supposed to be a sponsored video by a VPN provider but since it was way too honest, the advertisers kept asking for changes and he ended up refusing to work with them. He then published the entire video without cuts (of course censoring it when he mentions the name of the VPN).
Btw, noticed how little sponsoring Mullvad does? I at least never saw any YT video sponsored by Mullvad but I see a ton from NordVPN. I think it's because Mullvad knows they don't need sponsoring. The product (and everything else around them) them speaks for itself and word-of-mouth does the rest :)
Funny that he said he doesn't go to weird sites and then he says he uses Tor:
he doesn't go to weird sites and then he says he uses Tor
Seriously weird sites are only accessible over Tor
Not saying he meant hidden services but he could have.1
Also, if you want to visit a very weird site on clearnet2, it's probably still better to use Tor than to not use Tor, especially if you're already targeted like whistle blowers. Or what would you recommend them to do?
But you shouldn't use Tor to browse normal sites, yes. That's leaving a too big footprint.


  1. giving him the benefit of the doubt
  2. I am not aware of any
What's the difference between the VPN and the method he uses with mulvad?
He only uses the Mullvad DNS sever.
This means he doesn't route his IP packets through Mullvad servers but only uses their DNS server to resolve domains to IP addresses.
I travel a lot for work so finding a solid VPN is important. I’ve come to the conclusion that the next time I use a VPN company, it’ll be one that accepts bitcoin only given I trust the ethics more of bitcoiners that traditional fiat only folks.
I can recommend Mullvad. You can even pay with lightning if you use this site: https://vpn.sovereign.engineering/
(don't enter your account number, it also works without)
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Maybe the feds got him and he should have continued to use VPN
Hahaha 🎯
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