I think the beauty here is that sats are freedom of speech and they are also protection of work. Metaphorically it is the 1st and 2nd amendment in action.
The choice of value to add is:
  1. I like so I pay you in an instant. (you just made 0.00001 USD which in an hour would be $2.44 in sats which is a deflationary currency) Combine that with 20 others and that's $40 an hour. Not bad. Meaning that you potentially could be compensated for your time by continuing your positive behavior. It you grew your audience you would have more zaps per second. It's farming.
  2. I like but I don't want to zap so I respond with good information that I have to pay to share!
  3. I like and I can't zap, or comment but I can share somewhere else where my handle is recognized of I bring a new user.
Any of the above activities I can earn sats back from because I am actively gaming the playing field by positive participation and not driving focus to garbage.
  1. I can do all three above.
All of this is net positive, volunteer communication.