Thanks for the post! I think a movie was made about one of these dogs. I'm unclear what you meant about allowing the animal to experience the person after death? Can you explain?
Thanks for your question Sig - only too happy to clarify as this important part of the post.
How I should have put it is for the animal to come up and experience the departed person's body after they've passed.
I've heard that animals do easily grasp the concept of someone dying just as well as ourselves.
This shouldn't be a surprise as dogs and cats regularly explore the hidden parts of nature on walks that we don't see.
We've probably all walked a dog past a bush they've found really interesting. Without our knowing they must find animals who have passed quite regularly. Cats, having more of a free run to explore, must discover even more.
Because of this, I'm sure they're far more in tune with the cycle of life than many of our city-dwelling friends.
We'd feel the need to inform someone if their friend had passed. We can't forget about someone's best friend too. 🐾 🐾