You list some good trade offs. You missed these.
Hybrids work with gas. Gasoline has massive pros as a battery. Gasoline can sit for up to a year and not lose any energy. Batteries have issues with cold and heat that gasoline doesn't have. By definition a hybrid can use gasoline or electricity.
There is no reason to only have EVs or only ICE vehicles. I mean other than State mandates.
I'm not against EVs at all. I've just seen their negative tradeoffs being swept under the rug for decades. That is starting to change though. As usual the state has manipulated the market pushing in areas that didn't need a push.
yes, gas is a better medium-term battery than EV cells.
batteries do lose a lot of charge in cold weather too, but actually perform at their best in typical summer weather.
i hear you on having the option to use gas or electricity, i’m just not convinced that use case is important enough to justify having two entirely different systems in the car.