Star Stuff
It's a weekend for the stars in the sports world with the NHL all star game and the Pro Bowl both happening this weekend.
I am not particularly interested in either game but I do like a good skills competition so I might tune in for some of the NHL skills competition. The NFL seems to have split their skills competition between Thursday (yesterday) and Sunday so unlikely I will catch any of that since I missed the first half.
I am a bit old school when it comes to skills competitions. Give me fastest skater, hardest shot in NHL. 3 point and dunk contest and NBA. QB accuracy in NFL and my personal favourite the Home Run Derby in MLB. But the leagues are always trying to come up with novel ways to get fans interested in these events. Although it was a bit corny, I did really enjoy the NHL skills competition from a couple years ago in Vegas where they made many of the events vegas themed.
Shill me what events you like and dislike surrounding the various all star games (doesn't have to be limited to the skills competition- could be rookie games, legends games, celebrity games etc).
Odd to not have a Friday without a pick 'em to do. Happy Friday regardless.
Sats for all, GR
I don't usually give the all-star type events much attention. I do like the NFL skill challenges though: QB and kicker accuracy, and especially when they give the linemen an obstacle course.
When I was a kid the NBA All-Sar Game was actually pretty good, because the Jordan era was full of hyper competitive psychopaths. In that era, Hakeem Olajuwon fouled out of the game because he was playing such aggressive defense, which reminds of how they recently switched to flag football for the Pro Bowl because Maxx Crosby kept sacking the QB's.
I've always wanted a 1-on-1 tournament for NBA All-Star weekend. Wouldn't that be the most watched basketball event of the year every year?
One on one would be incredible. Or how about a crazy game of horse between guys Curry and Trae. Taking shots from halfcourt, standing on the announcers table. It will be like that old Jordan and Larry Bird commercial.
They did HORSE during Covid and it was pretty lame. Zach Levine just kept doing dunks and acrobatic layups that no one else could do. That sounds fun, but on Zoom it was not.
I saw that. That was silly.
Remember NHL all start game format:
North America versus the world hahah.
As a child I was like now how is that fair
Yes I remember that. I think they did that for about 5 years.
I used to love the NHL all star weekend but I can't watch these new events, its all unwatchable
I watched some of the skills competition last night. It was pretty bad. I also saw some of the replay of the first round of the nfl skills competition and it was also pretty bad.
Degenerate rant:
Stupid goddamn France can't even beat Ireland at rugby. I have no idea why France is supposed to be better at rugby than Ireland, but they were favorites and I got very favorable odds on them. Of course they lost. They're France and that's what France does.
Never trust the French.