I would definitely do trading especially because of the halving comes. I like it so much because I can do it from anywhere and anytime. I make my own decisions and I am the one who is responsible for my mistakes. It may be challenging at the beginning but by learning about it and understanding the market it can be very profitable. I usually do active trading and convert my profits to long term BTC holding.
this territory is moderated
Bad advice.
  • *if you don't know what you are doing 😉
It's a waste of time. Learn about Bitcoin and you will not HFSP.
HFSP ? Wondering what that means. Why would it be a wast of time ?😊
If you are just trading cRyPtO you are but learning about hard money. You are just speculating on personalities and hoping not too get the rug pulled.
But you are free to invest your energy as you wish. Bitcoin is the only place that exists where more of the smartest and brightest engineers, resources, computational energy, kilowatts and tools for humanity are being built to counter Fiat. If you are not in Bitcoin 100 percent learning, working and cultivating, then you are just a person who wants dollars and you do not fully understand that the dollars are themselves a ponzi scheme.
If the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill doesn't tell you that it's a pyramid scheme then it's because you like the scheme.