pull down to refresh

would you roll back the functionality
No, not at all.
But if you really think about it; if you want to see ~econ in your feed, does the tag on the content really help that much? You're just gonna see the title of the post, and be like "Oh, cool...maybe I read this". It doesn't likely change the outcome of what you read. So, the tag, really only helps the people who don't want to see the territory content OR I suppose, people who want EXCLUSIVELY that territory's content. Which, is probably a rare way to browse SN.
curious to know what other cool tools

WAAAAY more control over zap flow

Stay with me here, the first sentence in the next paragraph is going to be jarring. But, if you think about it for a split second, my suggestion is step towards less centralization. As it stands right now, SN has a claim on 100% of zaps, and they've decided subjectively to set the split at 90-10 universally, and we trust them to forward it on according to those terms. But I see this like a centralized federal government declaring numbers for states. It works for some, but not others.
Territory owners should get a claim on 100% of the sats from any post and any comment in the territory. Then, the territory owner(s) should get to set a call-back URL, which is hit for every post, comment, and zap event, which gets the full context of the event, and then returns an object which represents the weights of where any zaps should go for that event. A protocol.
The territory owners would be able to set logic such as:
  1. Posters get 50% of the first 1000 sats, territory gets the other 50%, but poster gets 99% of anything higher, territory keeps the 1%.
  2. 13th day of the month, all zaps go to charity.
  3. Posters who are in the top ten, get 95% of zaps, else, you get 80%, balance goes to territory.
  4. Territory treasury gets 5% of all zaps. Territory can do their own games with this pile.
  5. Split revenue for 15 days across these specific names proportional to specific weights.
  6. A dice-roll on every zap, determines the split.
This 90-10 split is a subjective constant chosen by SN, which makes for a market-clearing number under certain conditions. If I had made 200K sats from the 10% rake, I'm 10000% sure, that I would lower the split cause if I didn't, ~econ2 would pop up. Conversely, it makes no sense to spend 100K to get 5K in "revenue". SN needs to 20x before we're looking anywhere near breaking event at the 100K.


Just, lots more info about whats going on in the territory.

Tagging + API

Would like to be able to add value, by auto-tagging, programmatically, via after-the fact API.
It's fitting that the economics of territories emerge from the ~econ territory!
some really interesting ideas in here, thanks for the great feedback