he's a complete sellout and a US empire dog, run straight out of langley. if you need any more proof, look at the praise he got from both the IMF and Davos, after he gave the IMF, aka the US, all they wanted and after his embarrassing clown speech in Davos.
I have been very disappointed in seeing a number of bitcoiners whom I highly respect showing support for Milei.
Is it possible that they're right and I'm wrong ? Always worth considering that possibility but the signs are so abundantly clear that Milei is "a complete sellout and a US empire dog", as you put it, that I'm very confident (sadly) that no, they are wrong and are either being willfully or ignorantly blind.
The first rule of BTC, who is milei to tell us if we can or not use BTC? Since when we need the permission of a gov to hold or use our BTC? They are not bitcoiners, they only wants fiat money
If he prepares the country for a US style capitalism, explains what's the money and how they create it he would have my support but he didn't, meaning he is just another politician that only wants money for him and his friends
So you're pro Xi Jinpeng and pretend you value freedom and liberty? Or are you incapable of understanding basic logic, yet believe you will be able to accurately figure out the difference between UTXOs you own and ones you don't?
Why I should be pro milei or pro commie? That's the milei's marketing/propaganda. If you are here is because you love your BTC, meaning you love your freedom. So why I have to be a part of something that milei says? I'm free and I can think by myself, I'm not a blind full fanatic. He talks shit about kirchnerism and not about peronism, why? Easy af, cause he loves the 90s and he said Menem is the best president of the history. Who was Menem? A PERONIST. What's the peronism? A cheap af china commie system copy. There's the reality and why can I see it? Cause I'm free in my mind and I'm not politicians fanatic
Yes, you are free to say "I wish the fantasy world of freedom exists today". You are free to use the wealth of bitcoin to be detached from the world and live an insular life, but if that's your definition of freedom, that was already available, simply in a less cushy way in the Alaskan wilderness -- or in Nazi concentration camps you could be free in your mind according to Viktor Frankl.
Enjoy your LARP fantasy world. Glad you are comfortable. Don't let the lies in your tweet, such as the nonsense you said claiming that I said you had to be part of something, perturb you from your fantasy world.
Do you even live in argentina? Milei is an undercover peronist cause he loves the 90 and said Menem is the best president of the history. My pov? Peronism is the worst thing that happened in argentina. Perón was a dictator and miles wants the powers of the congress to make laws by himself. Also taking the wealth of the people to pay their party is too commie, not capitalist