Eyes cast downward, the fog of self-doubt lingers. Striving for the light
Thank you for everyone’s kind words yesterday.
Damn you're productive! I don't want to heap more work on you, but. . a collection of your haikus would be a nice addition to a certain territory.
I thought we wanted to encourage people to come! lol
Happy to oblige. Perhaps my share could be donated somewhere as before with my weekly round up?
I don't know. Maybe save donations for additions and updates? For your permanent collection it should be yours to earn over time. That's what I'm trying to do. Keep work visible over the long term. I don't know if it's going to work.
I appreciate that. There are some really good creatives on here who may find their work getting lost among all the other posts. So that is a valuable service you are offering.
We'll see. I hope it works.
Which certain territory? (Seriously, there are a few I can imagine it fitting, I've missed earlier conversatins.)
I meant mine- Books and articles. I'm doing some shameless shilling :) You're right, though. It would be appropriate for a number of territories.